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Dr. Kalyan Chatterjee
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Department of English
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1. Former Lecturer in English, Sri Ramkrishna Sarada Vidya Mahapitha.
2. Former Asst. Professor & HOD of English in the WBES, Jhargram Raj College
3. Former Asst. Professor of English in the WBES, Hooghly Mohsin College.
4. Former Asst. Professor & HOD of English in the WBES, Government General Degree  
    College, Singur
5. Present: Asst. Professor & HOD of English in the WBES, Government General
    Degree College, Manbazar-II
Assistant Professor of English in W.B.E.S. and HOD
“Representations of Manbhum and Purulia in Orientalist Texts and the Task of Salvaging the Past of the Region” in Rethinking the Local in Indian History: Perspectives from Southern Bengal, Edited by Kaustubh Mani Sengupta and Tista Das, 2021. Routledge, London & New York.
“Negotiating Homelessness through Culinary Imagination: the Metaphor of Food in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies” (pp. 197-205) Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Vol VIII, No. 1, 2016. [CARE]
Nation and its Tribal People: A Collection of Essays. Edited by Rajkumar Chakrabarty & Kalyan Chatterjee. Booksway, Kolkata. 2012. ISBN: 9789381672884
“Representation of Fish in Mrs. Sen’s: A Study in Exile” (136-145) Writer’s Feast Ed. By Supriya Choudhury and Rimi B. Chatterjee. 2011. Orient Blackswan, Delhi.
“Jeebon Lekho (Life-writing)” (537-539) Buddhijibir Noteboi, 2nd Edition Ed. By Sudhir Chakrabarty. 2011. Pustok Biponi, Kolkata.
“Food and Home in Interpreter of Maladies” (pp. 67-75) Journal of the Department of English, Vidyasagar University . Vol. 8. 2010-2011 [CARE]
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